A Beginner’s Guide To Food Photography

A Beginner’s Guide To Food Photography

Food photography has become something that is so dear to my heart. I started food photography in 2018 when I attended a Canon Food Photography Workshop and it sparked an interest in me. I’ve learned so much over the years and it is until 2020 

Master Hands In Frame In Food Photography

Master Hands In Frame In Food Photography

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I love showing my hands in my food images. Adding a human element in food images helps draw the viewers in and connect with you and the food. They cease to being just spectators 

How To: Building An Essential Prop Collection

How To: Building An Essential Prop Collection

Building an essential prop collection takes time and patience. Never feel like you need to have everything before you begin your food photography journey. I started with what I had in my house. White and black plates and bowls were the foundation of my prop 

How To Take The Perfect Action Shot

How To Take The Perfect Action Shot

I always find myself drawn to images that have some action going on. Like a perfect honey drizzle or the perfect fall of sugar or flour. It took me a while to master how to take the perfect action shot and in this post I’ll 

How to Style & Photograph Raw Fish

How to Style & Photograph Raw Fish

Do you find it hard to photograph raw meat and especially working with fresh fish? In this blog post I’ll take you through some important elements on how to style and photograph raw fish. It is important when styling an image like this or any 

The Art Of Storytelling In Food Photography

The Art Of Storytelling In Food Photography

What is The Art of Storytelling In Food Photography? The idea behind the art of storytelling in food photography is to create emotions between the food and the viewer. This can easily be done by adding irrational or elements of surprise. An example would be